I am very excited to announce that William Morrow/HarperCollins will publish my next novel, DOG CRAZY, which is about the power of love, loss, and the dogs who save us. Synopsis: As a pet bereavement counselor, Maggie Brennan spends her days helping patients come to terms with losing their four-legged friends, but she’s struggling with major problems of her own and can't seem to take her own advice. When she meets a woman who claims her dog is not dead, but missing, Maggie finds herself entangled in a mystery that will force her to face her biggest fear—and maybe just find new love along the way. 

No pub date yet...first step is finishing the book. :)

(The pic above is from the Pets Aloud Litquake Reading I had the pleasure of being part of on Saturday. Thanks to all the four-leggeds and two-leggeds who joined! Special thanks to the delightfully vocal pup who barked after each reader.)
